HR – Humble Recources

Few days back somewhere on LinkedIn four guys grabbed my attention where they mentioned HR as “Humble Resources”, since then it was on my mind and I was thinking on how to interpret it and write down something. Before I start writing, I would like to thank those four humble guys who inspired me to write on this topic. If you are reading this post….THANK YOU GUYS

Being a HR professional for more than a decade, I have experienced many aspects of being HR to different organisations. Some say, HR is the backbone of the organisation, some say the face of the organisation, some say non-revenue generators and many such varied interpretations….Yes, I agree as a HR that we have to be on top of our toes for every situation within our capacities. HR is expected to be confident, great communicator, problem solver, trainer, counsellor, energetic, people’s manager and expectation goes on but as a HR professional we know that first of all we have to be HUMBLE.

Being Humble does not only apply to HRs, as a person being humble is also a very important virtue to be nurtured. Today as I am specifically relating this with HR professionals, so I will take the write up in the same direction.

Why is it important for HR person to be Humble?

The “NEW SMART” as a HR is not about what we know but it is about how we think, let that thinking reflect in our actions and connect with people. As the objective of our job is to understand people’s psychology and help them create better careers.

How can HR play the role of “NEW SMART” in a techno savvy world?

We have to remember that although technology is rapidly approaching automation, still we need humans to operate, instruct and monitor those technologies. And most importantly we need to remember that no technology can do critical thinking, emotional engagements, psychological studies and then continuous developments without humans and we HRs can do these activities easily in our professional life with humbleness.

How can HR practice Humbleness in daily work?

We have to take the ownership along with the employers with a new set of skills and also need to take the challenge to change our roles from the same traditional HR to a competitive HR matching the new generation needs. Starting from hiring to exit we have to look into things very differently.

For example: –

Hiring – While hiring, the candidate should be evaluated in detail with broad parameters like creativity, behavior, innovation, open mindedness, family background, ethics, flexibility and much more. Our humbleness will make them open up to discuss in detail about everything.

Reviews – Why wait for the traditional method of reviews to be done annually, when we can do the reviews on daily basis or as and when required on all aspects… starting from domain to behavioral and suggest improvements on the spot rather than waiting for an entire year and discussing their weaknesses. Our humbleness will help them improve and they will perform their tasks in a better way which is again a benefit to the company.

Exit – Same way while following the exit process we can be as humble as required so that the employee can carry a good note about the company for a longer time rather than being the same typical HR with the set of typical questionnaires. Our humbleness may bring them back to us in future.

Same way we can practice humbleness in all other processes to make our own, employee’s and employers’ work easy and effective.

Hence, no technology can take over humbleness. The  way any product or services can only satisfy the needs of a client for the time being but a good sales person can take over the product with his humble skills for long term relationship.

Let us be the H in HR which stands for HUMBLE……

Nothing in life is permanent, so just be Humble….It’s easy to practice 🙂

Looking forward to your humble inputs which will help me to learn more and more. Thank you